Buffy and spike
Buffy and spike

This culminates in an all-out brawl between the two over who should get to drink from the Cup of Perpetual Torment, and while both get in a good deal of damage (physically and verbally), Spike definitively wins the fight.

  • Averted a few episodes later in "Destiny," where Spike becomes determined to prove that it might in fact be him, and not Angel, who is the "champion" featured in the Shanshu Prophecy.
  • In "Just Rewards," Wesley and Angel outright state that Spike's reputation for evil and bloodshed is second only to Angelus'.
  • Always Second Best: To Angel/Angelus, as both a hero and a villain.
  • By the end of season 5, he's accepted the reality that he doesn't really fit in with humans or demons anymore, but earnestly thanks Buffy for treating him like a person anyways. Additionally, the Scoobies don't treat him as one of their own and often made him the target of snark or insults. He begins to be shunned by at least a portion of the Sunnydale demon community after he begins demon-hunting as a method of sating his Blood Knight tendencies.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: In season 4, mostly.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Drusilla tended to call him "my love" and "my sweet" and Harmony called him all sorts of cutesy pet-names, but most notably " blondie-bear" and "boo-boo".
  • Presumably one reason for this change is Spike constantly getting woken up and called to action right out of bed (including a major part of an arc where he and Xander are both in their sleepwear), which would require a lot of tricky angles from the artist in order to keep the comic's rating. Even in the basement in Season 7, Spike was fairly known for sleeping naked.
  • Adaptational Modesty: Season 10 shows Spike usually sleeping in a tank top and boxers after moving in with the Scoobies.
  • I just fell in love with you again.' But back then he was supposed to be kind of a jerk boyfriend, because he was going to get killed by Angel and she was going to take up with Angel, so Spike was being set up so the audience was not going to feel so bad when he got killed off. My favorite thing about is you is that you are seeing the stars, but it's the ceiling. I decided to rest my chin on my hand like, 'You are so weird and that's what I love about you. "That line is actually the one I had to deal with the most. Also it's day." The line was meant to be delivered in a way that would make Spike seem unkind, but that wasn't Masters' interpretation. Spike responds by saying, "You can't see the stars, love. Marsters even spoke specifically about a line from the season 2 episode "Innocence," in which Drusilla is telling him that she's naming all the stars. Then you find the gold in the mountain, and then you have the rocket fuel and you can go anywhere." It could be love denied, love twisted, it doesn't have to be sweet, but you have to find the love. I always say when you are doing anything in art, you got to find the love. No problem dude.' He turns his back and I'm like, 'No way in Hell.' If you play it like that, the audience has nothing to grab onto and there's no reason not to kill you off.

    buffy and spike

    So, how did an actor hired for a few episodes manage to stick around for practically the entire series?

    buffy and spike

    However, Spike's longevity might be even more impressive considering the fact that Whedon apparently wasn't too happy about the character's popularity (via "Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum"). Several others, including Faith (Eliza Dushku), Anya (Emma Caulfield), and even Angel (David Boreanaz), all survived past their initial expiration dates, with the latter even starring in his own spin-off.


    Spike is hardly the only character series creator Joss Whedon planned to kill off early on.

    buffy and spike

    However, the vampire was never supposed to be around that long in the first place.

    buffy and spike

    Of course, Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar) wasn't having any of it, and sent him packing on more than one occasion. Also known as William the Bloody, Spike was introduced in season 2, episode 3, "School Hard." Brilliantly played by James Marsters, Spike rolled into Sunnydale with his girlfriend Drusilla (the equally excellent Juliet Landau) in the hopes of wreaking havoc in the Hellmouth town.

    Buffy and spike